Sin Spins
Playing a slot with a collective feature will see you having to spin in a certain number of special symbols during the course of any number of slot playing sessions on that slot to trigger a unique type of bonus game when enough of them have been accumulated.
Take for example the Devil’s Delight slot game which is a multi-stake video slot from NetEnt, as you are playing off a single base game spin you could get one or more of the Soul symbols spinning in. Those symbols are overlaid onto the standard reel symbols.
Each time one of those symbols do appear anywhere in view on the screen they are collected up on the meter displayed at the foot of the slot game screen. As soon as you have 15 of this positions on the meter lit up, by spinning in 15 of those symbols then a set of what are known as Sin Spins are awarded to you.
If you have amassed fewer than 15 of those symbols during any one single slot playing session, then the next time you launch that slot they will still be saved up on the meter, so you can carry on playing form the points where you left off at a later date.
But the Souls will only be saved up for 48 hours so if you do not play the slot within that time frame then any Souls you have amassed during the course of the last session or session will be lost.
Sin Spins are simply a set of free spins on offer on the Devil’s Delight slot and as such they will play off with the same pay lines and stakes on offer as you had in play on the spin which triggered the feature.
Keep in mind however that the Sin Spins will be playing off with a different set of reel symbols in play and you will be able to view the payouts for that bonus feature by clicking onto the pay table.
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